
What do you need to do to test PVC foam board

Author: admin / 2022-09-13
PVC crumb foam board is a practical plastic material, its main chemical component is polyvinyl chloride, whether in the compartment ceiling or some of the interior decoration of buildings, we can see its existence, the popular PVC crustin foam board has the advantages of waterproof, fireproof, anti-corrosion, sound insulation, etc., how to choose a trustworthy PVC board through detection?
First, PVC crust foam plate surface detection
When testing the surface of its board, first touch its surface with your hand to see its smoothness and the meticulousness of the mechanical texture, but also to see whether the color of the surface of the board is color-different, and the surface of the board is normal without stains, without small pits, without pinholes, holes, and without cracks.
Second, PVC crust foam board side detection
In addition to the surface of the test plate, the sides are also inspected. When inspecting the sides, look at the flatness of the incision and the fine density of the pores. In the process of detecting the side of the plate, it is necessary to ensure that there are no pinholes on the side, no coarse holes, and no obvious powder shedding. At the same time, it is necessary to see whether the cutting fiber falls off and collapses. If the above problems occur during the testing process, it will bring great trouble to the subsequent processing of finished products.
Third, the thickness, weight and density of PVC crust foam board are detected
In addition to the appearance of the test plate, its thickness, weight, and density should also be tested. When testing the thickness, it should be cubic, close to the surface of the board, without gaps, the thickness of the plate is uniform, and the thickness deviation is controlled within a reasonable range; When testing board weight and density, keep in mind the algorithm formulas for weight and density to ensure accurate measurement data.
The above is for everyone to sort out the three simple and practical methods for PVC crust foam board detection is also in the selection of PVC Although the basic testing steps of the plate have superior performance and wide range of uses, only the correct choice can ensure quality.